
Many of you maybe don’t know but I’m not that fan of Modern!AUs in Frozen fictions. The world is a big part of characters to me and taking the girls out from the Arendelle just makes them look too different. I’m not saying that it’s a bad thing, anyone can like whatever they like and write about everything they want, I’m just not gonna read that much of Modern!AUs.

But there is one little fan fiction that got my attention, even if it’s Modern!AU and especially being Not Incest!AU (which I don’t like either, weird enough). It’s Celery Sticks’ A Snowflake in Spring! There’s just something so lovable in it and yet something so special that my kind of Arendelle-lover wants to read it and waits every update like the raising moon. So I decided to give ASiS-girls little bit of screentime. Keep up the good work, Celery! Keep up the good work! You have a little daschund on your side!


Author: Curator