Art by kazami

Translation courtesy of @liamgrbd

E: I’m home.

A: (Finally) She’s back.

A: Welcome h- Uwa! You reek of booze!

E: Anna, did you know?

E: Today is kissing day

A: Huh?

E: Anna…

A: NO. *pushes*

E: Ugh

E: A-Anna, do you hate your big sister now? (I really wanna
do it)

A: Argh…Geez… That’s not it.

A: (How troublesome.)

A: I simply didn’t want our kiss to be a drunken thing.

A: Not because I didn’t want to kiss you.

A: Hehe

A: Even without the power of alcohol, I would do this.

A: “I only ever want this to be because I love you.


Author: Curator