Translation courtesy of @fruipit
Demonfencer: Well, this is a family problem with no suspense
Panel 1
咚咚 (knock knock)Panel 2
Anna: 那个…艾莎。我想问问待合我能在上面吗?毕竟咋天也… (Elsa… I wanted to ask if I could be on top? After all, heaven’s… there…)
Elsa: 不能 (Not possible.)Panel 3
Anna: 嗯…好…好吧?(Ngg…. oh- okay…?) u//////u
我先回___问了 (I asked first…)
Elsa: 唤安 (call for peace!) (AN: i actually don’t know how to interpret this, let alone translate it….)Panel 4
关上 (door closes)Panel 5
Kai: ………………
Elsa:………Panel 6
Kai: 哪个是 (that was)
Elsa: 家庭纠纷 (domestic discord)