
elsanna week 2018 day 6: bravery


Translation courtesy of @fruipit

Panel 1:
Anna: 我是来打倒你的!冰雪魔女艾莎!(I am coming to overthrow you, Elsa the Ice Witch!)

Panel 2:
Elsa: 诶呀,就你一个人?真勇敢呢~值得奖励 (Hey, is it just you alone? Really brave~ worth rewarding)
Anna: 你说什么?! (What?!) (nb. actually translates to ‘what did you say?!’ but the effect is more of a ‘what?!’ offended/affronted sort of thing)

Panel 3:
Elsa 消失 (lit. ‘to vanish; disappear; dissolve)

Panel 4/5:
Elsa: 一个吻怎样?(How about a kiss?)
Anna: ~

Panel 6:
Anna: 我是认真的!! (I was serious!!)


Author: Curator