
Panel 1
Elsa: 安娜 (Anna)
[arrow: 日常实验中 (daily experiment)]
Elsa: 今天试试我投哪来的圣水吧? (try the holy water I’ve created today?)

Panel 2:
Anna: 圣水。。。。莫非是。。。 (holy water… could it be that….?)
[box: 不禁回想起偷偷在禁书库看到的限制书籍。(I can’t help but remember seeing the restricted books in the forbidden library…)]

Panel 3
Anna: 抱歉!! 如。。。如果是爱啥的圣水的话!我可以接受哦!但是其他人的我真的不行!(im sorry! If… if it’s elsa’s holy water, I can accept it! But if it’s other people’s, I really can’t!)
Elsa: 虽然不知道你搞错了什么。。。但是总觉得很生气. (I don’t know what you got wrong… but you always seem angry)

[translator’s note: i’m not sure what elsa’s really saying in the last sentence. it translates directly as “but always feel angry”, but i’m not sure how it fits]


Author: Curator