
This is my little sister. (quite literally)

I’ve spent 10 minutes trying to find the right words to say. But honestly?? I’m almost speechless.

I don’t have all the words to describe how much @rubygem007 means to me. She isn’t just my Anna, but my whole heart. She’s my sister, my best friend, my everything. I might tag her in every post, you may see us sob from time to time because we live 4,000 miles apart.

But no distance like that will separate us. Gosh, see how similar we are to Anna and Elsa? I wrote a drabble called “Find You”. She messaged me and before I knew it we were crying and best friends and sisters! Just like Elsa found her sunshine, I will find my sunshine. I can’t wait to meet her. Someone please take me to Brazil. Eu te amo! (I love you!)


Author: Curator