Cover of gracepago0314‘s new Elsanna fanbook


(aka Makura / makurakun /
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Avaible for people living in Taiwan at: here

For everyone else:

the artist has not yet confirmed that international shipping will be avaible for certain, but it looks like it’s going to happen, in fact there’s a survey currently ongoing to see how many people would be actually interested in buying this fanbook from overseas, and plan accordingly (how many copies need to be printed).


Title: WE NEED TO TALK – Frozen2 Sisters’ doujinshi

Language: chinese

Size: A5

Pages: 16p, black and white

Price: $6~

Shipping price and method: tbd

Payment method: tbd

Link to survey: here

NOTICE: it will stay open until the end of January 12th 2020, countdown

First field = name/nickname

Second field = how many copies do you need/quantity

Third field = are you aware that this is just a survey? 1) I know 2) I didn’t know, but I do now

Link to post on plurk about the survey: here

Link to preview: HERE cover + 3 pages

PLEASE REBLOG and spread the word since this post won’t show up in the tags due to containing external links


Author: Curator