
Left panel:
Elsa: 真的吸血鬼 (a real vampire)
Head: 凛冽的眼神 (piercingly cold gaze)
Left collar: 自力更生 (able to regenerate herself through sheer willpower)
Right collar: 坚毅的身姿 (firm and determined stature)
Rabbit: 猎物手到擒来 (very easy to capture her prey)
Anna: 铁杆迷妹 (hardcore fan)

Right panel:
Anna: 假的吸血鬼 (fake vampire)
Hand: 监护人(?)(guardian???)
Left: 需要饲主 (needs to be fed)
Top of head: 几天没吃上饭的眼神 (from the expression, has not eaten in several days)
Coat: 一败涂地的身姿 (her stature fails completely)
Ear: 偷袭失败被鹿踢过 (sneak attacked failed and was subsequently kicked by a deer


Author: Curator