Category: Canon
Art from the Canon universe and timeline, with the normal cast of characters.
akapost: “yea,” “–love you” is there who can translate this with english? I DON’T KNOW HOW!!! ———— A-KA
Curator May 14, 2016
akapost: translated version! My hero Johsi help me again, thank you so much! 本來打算裝死不弄翻譯der(靠)結果英雄再次登場了!!!感謝佐斯的幫忙♥♥ ————— A-KA
Curator May 14, 2016
akapost: 姊妹13年來不曾說過的那句 “ hi “ 雖然顯得有點生疏,她們彼此還是非常重視對方。 很喜歡電影這段安娜和艾莎的表情和感情表現,非常非常的細膩這也是我喜歡這部電影的原因其中之一。 ————- A-KA
Curator May 14, 2016
akapost: “I nearly killed you,Anna” I know Elsa will not hurt herself, but just wanna draw this situation.————- A-KA
Curator May 9, 2016