Category: Modern AU

Art from a contemporary time and place. Includes High School, College, Business, Starbucks, etc.

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

tiii13: I hope Elsa put her hair down in the sequel ❤

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

Gay Elsa? Yes or no

tiii13: Please look at the tags of my Elsa fanarts for more detail~

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

albiartworks: You have sinned by AlbaDudelis

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

seioraiart: #frozen #elsa #fanart done on stream last week 🙂 Wanted to have an original take and made her into… read more

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

silaszee: MCU Elsa ideas.  😀

Posted in Anna Modern AU Uncategorized
Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized
Posted in Anna Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by βRin

Posted in Anna Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by βRin

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

lorelei-lilyprincess: 3rd Round Elsanna Commission 11 Style : Full color ($70) ***** NEVER EVER REPOST PLEASE! Please REBLOG or SHARE… read more

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

lorelei-lilyprincess: MONSTER – Elsa ***** NEVER EVER REPOST PLEASE! Please REBLOG or SHARE only. DeviantART : : :… read more

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

demonfencer: My vacation is over.very sad.see you!

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by nken_K

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

demonfencer: 没想到吧?

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

egnarregnar: It’s been 3 years. I have graduated high school. PEOPLE STILL GIVE HEART STICKERS IN COLLEGE. Just a sketch… read more

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

egnarregnar: egnarregnar: In Thailand students like to give their friends heart stickers. The more popular the more stickers on their… read more

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by danmi49

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

demonfencer: 旧图。。拿错梗 Translation by @pegacorn1210 A: Rapunzel! Would you mind returning this to Eugene? I borrowed it from him last… read more

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by 바움

Posted in Canon Modern AU Uncategorized
Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

freakxwannaxbe: Commission for @boodestroyer , Elsa and Anna wearing Tron Legacy suits ☆Patreon ☆ Commission info ☆ Buy me coffee… read more

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by chzlchzl ugh c’mon.

Posted in Anna Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by got_g9

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by Eris.Y

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by RenCoeur

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by libertine623

Posted in Anna Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by xena-michele

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by chzlchzl

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

Frozen girls by natalico

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

tiii13: I went around pixiv for fanart, and Elsa is shipped with everyone lol

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

lorelei-lilyprincess: 3rd Round Elsanna Commission 09 Style : Full color ($70) ***** NEVER EVER REPOST PLEASE! Please REBLOG or SHARE… read more

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

charlestan: “When We’re Together”

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

smol-grump: Summary: You’d think babysitting a bunch of young, able bodied adults would be the easiest task in the world…. read more

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

canitellusmthin: Commissioned this lovely piece from @angstfish. Thank you so much!! Sometimes I think of certain silly ideas and just…… read more

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

demonfencer: elsanna week 2018  day 2: secrets

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

leolionr: Little Witch Academia AU

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

silaszee: Happy New Year!  : D

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by @audgreenart

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

tiningots: 新年快樂。旺旺年!

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

artbydisclaimer: a reworking of a sketch for @krash-zone

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

musician15painter: I just read the last chapter from “A snowflake in Spring”. So sad to see this story end, but so… read more

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

brownbbybear: requested by @glenn-griffon

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by 룡

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

feliadraws: Winter is coming~ Here’s our Frozen ladies in winter clothes. :3 It was very fun making this so I… read more

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

Totally Elsa by FitzOblong

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

leolionr: October……End

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

demonfencer: 被紧急会议和强压下来的工作追赶了一天,等到Elsa回过神的时候已经是和昨晚回家时相同的时间。手上被命令必须今天内完成的工作大概还要花费两个小时以上,可突然断线的集中力提醒着Elsa需要适当的休息。本来打算去茶水间为自己冲泡一杯咖啡的Elsa在起身的时候习惯性的看了一眼手机,屏幕上的几个未接来电和未读信息让她从后背升起一阵恶寒。 来电和信息上的名字都是Rapunzel,那就意味着一定是Anna又出了什么事。Elsa带着满心的不祥预感走出办公室,焦急的拨通了Rapunzel的电话。 「Anna出了什么事?」 「Elsa,我需要你立刻过来一下。Hans要带着Anna去酒吧,我和Merida快拦不住了。」 「告诉我地址,我现在就过去。」 回到办公室抓起自己的挎包,Elsa无视掉喜欢压榨员工的上司诧异的眼神和怒和冲向了停车场。越是着急就越是出乱,试了几次都没能扣上安全带的Elsa一气之下直接发动汽车就踩下了油门。 Rapunzel曾经和她提到过几次Hans这个人。比Anna大上几岁的大学生,外表温文儒雅实际却是个有名的花花公子,不知玩弄了多少女孩的感情,正是所谓的衣冠禽兽。Rapunzel不知道Anna是怎么和Hans认识的,但Hans这个人已经追了Anna好一阵子了。据Rapunzel说,Anna本来对他一直都是一副爱理不理的样子,发出过几次邀请都有没答应,可今天不知Anna哪里搭错了筋,竟然主动找上了Hans。 虽然Rapunzel没有明说,但她和Elsa都知道事情的起因一定在于Elsa。能让Anna变得如此反复无常的,从来就只有Elsa。 Anna是个还只有十五岁从未碰过酒精的未成年少女,在酒吧那种鱼龙混杂的地方和一个明显图谋不轨的家伙在一起,Elsa根本不敢想象如果放任不管会发生什么。 前方车辆的灯光晃的人脑袋发晕,可Elsa只是拖着疲惫的身心一味地踩着油门。在距离目的地的最后一个路口,黄色的信号灯已经开始闪烁。如果放在平时,Elsa必定会停车等候信号转换,可今天她却选择了在右脚上再用上一些力。 事情的发生只有一瞬间,超速的汽车在冲向路口的同时,人行横道上出现了一个路人的身影。Elsa几乎是凭着本能将脚从油门移到了刹车狠狠踩下,随着橡胶与地面摩擦的刺耳声音和额头剧烈的疼痛,Elsa的意识陷入了黑暗。 Anna…… 当Elsa再次睁开眼的时候,看到的是陌生的雪白天花板。随着渐渐回归的意识,通过呼吸吸入肺叶的空气带着令人不舒服的消毒水味道。周围的环境和头上传来的疼痛让Elsa明白自己现在身处医院,想要抬手确认一下自己伤势的时候,却被左手上不属于自己的重量阻止。 有些费力的转过头看向床边,出现在视线里的是紧紧握着她的左手睡着的Anna。Anna紧紧皱着的眉头让她多了几分不属于她这个年纪的忧伤,红肿的眼眶和脸上的泪痕诉说着她曾大哭一场的事实。 「……Elsa……」 安静到能清晰地听到药水滴落的声音的病房里,Elsa听到了妹妹在睡梦中不安的呼唤。充斥着内心的愧疚因这一声呼唤变得异常沉重,而同时满溢而出的温暖则化作泪水濡湿了脸颊。 Elsa抬起还扎着针头的右手,用拇指轻轻揉了揉Anna眉间的褶皱。细细的眉毛倏地展开,长长的睫毛抖动了几下,慢慢抬起的眼睑下露出的是Elsa最喜欢的湖蓝色。 「对不起,Elsa,都是我的错,对不起……」 惺忪的双眼在看清Elsa的瞬间便浮上一层氤氲,在紧紧将人抱住的同时,泪水也跟着决堤。Anna不停道歉的声音因流失了太多水分而有些沙哑,不停收紧的双臂勒的Elsa几乎窒息。… read more

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

brownbbybear: you guys remember this? lol

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

kookiemastah: Fanart of chapter 27 from ‘Stolen Ice’ Elsanna fanfic, one of the best reads i’ve had in a while.

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

Casual Elsa Doodle by shibamura-prime

Posted in Anna Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by Souno

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

angstfish: Recomposing Hearts’s gift for my dear friend Nyx! My favourite Zombie!AU EVEEEER. I made lots of fanart for this… read more

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

Translation courtesy of @fruipit Panel 1:Anna: 呜…嗯…  (ohh… ngg….) Panel 2:Elsa: 呼呼 (hu…) (basically it’s the verb to ‘breathe out’)… read more

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

doodlesandcookies: autumn elsa 

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

draw-by-myself: Halloween 2017 – elsanna!college (AU?) Happy Halloween and have a good day I miss you guys

Posted in Anna Modern AU Uncategorized

melonbreadmondays: Horrible quick sketch of Anna from a wonderful fic I found yesterday called “Threads of Summer”  I really wish I could… read more

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

charlestan: Haven’t painted anything for myself in a while.

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by 룡

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

Elsa by Siljemkjensli

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

leolionr: splatoon AU 

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by 阿米

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by got_g9

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by libertine623

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by got_g9

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

charlestan: Doodle from earlier this afternoon~

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

a-fistful-of-kittens: DeviantArt’s fan art mash up challange. I got Elsa in a cafe being a millennial Gotta love them millennials.

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by Andory

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

demonfencer: l just loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee them..

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

Elsa on the moon being a hipster by j-kyuu

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

jabs-wocks: doodling snow sisters again XD. The clothes based on some Korean clothes I saw in Pinterest.

Posted in Anna Modern AU Uncategorized

teenytinytanya: Modern Anna because why not?✨

Posted in Anna Modern AU Uncategorized
Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by リベ子

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

charlestan: A quick cool-down sketch/study.

Posted in Anna Modern AU Uncategorized

charlestan: Another sketch/study 💖

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

charlestan: Sketch/study, reference used~

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by RenCoeur

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

[Commission] Electrical Elsa by xLostarx

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

archibaldart: Dapper Day Fall 2016

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

muuuuug: 구속복 정신병동 Translation courtesy of @nyay100 “Have you been quietly reflecting on your actions?” “I heard you hit the… read more

Posted in Anna Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by Hiccu

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by Hiccu

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by Hiccu

Posted in Anna Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by Hiccu

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by Hiccu

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

jabs-wocks: I was headcanonning about frozen x overwatch with my friend last week…so…….here comes ana! Elsa   XD

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by Nyamo

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by Hiccu

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by 小陆

Posted in Anna Modern AU Uncategorized

doodlesandcookies: sketchy Anna

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by @forkanna Based on the fanfic “The Khamsa”

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

leolionr: The Flower Shop -It was the first time they had ever met.很喜歡的一篇文裡的其中一幕

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

juri-ren: i colored it fast, sigh oh well  ff link:

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

lorelei-lilyprincess: 3rd Round Elsanna Commission 07 Style : Monochrome ($65) ***** NEVER EVER REPOST PLEASE! Please REBLOG or SHARE only…. read more

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by あお

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

angstfish: OF COURSE I FORGOT IT WAS ELSANNA WEEK. So, thanks to my pokemon obsession, I made this sketch for… read more

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by まぁこ

Posted in Anna Modern AU Uncategorized

doodlesandcookies: let me know what disney princess you guys want to see next 🙂

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

Frozen: Series Addicted by fra-gai

Posted in Canon Modern AU Uncategorized

Art by Nyamo