Tag: corosuke-kansai

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corosuke-kansai: Catch Me! Mother chases two mischievous sisters climbing on a tree.A father who can help her without any problems… read more

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corosuke-kansai: “I love you .I wish you all the happiness in the world.”The word “I love you” is like a… read more

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corosuke-kansai: The promise of little princesses“Stay with me now and forever ”

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corosuke-kansai: HAPPY NEW YEAR 20192019 is the year of the Boar in Japanese Zodiac.

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corosuke-kansai: Are you sleepy?No, it’s okay. Because I am  older sister.

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corosuke-kansai: bath time

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corosuke-kansai: ice blue eye

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corosuke-kansai: Summer of Arendelle

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corosuke-kansai: Sweet dreams! 

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corosuke-kansai: I know we’ll reunite beyond timeThe future is always waiting for the two of us Eternally…So please oh please,… read more

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corosuke-kansai: Happy Mother’s Day

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corosuke-kansai: Goddess of spring

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corosuke-kansai: cuddle for warmth (Source: http://corosuke-kansai.tumblr.com/)

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corosuke-kansai: Queen Iduna of Arendelle

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corosuke-kansai: A Good Cuple Day

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corosuke-kansai: family kiss

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Art by  ころすけ@なのだ