Tag: demonfencer

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demonfencer: bat anna

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demonfencer: from ao3 《Castaway》-  Fruipit Fanfic ‘Castaway’ by Fruipit

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sappho-anaktoria: demonfencer: don’t even think about it Anna: “艾莎要是再不来       (If Elsa never returns…)           … read more

Posted in Elsa Uncategorized


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Posted in Canon Uncategorized

demonfencer: ….

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demonfencer: day 6

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

elsanna-art-archive: Art by demonfencer

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demonfencer: oestrum

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

demonfencer: 姐攻也不错

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demonfencer: 出自一张gif图

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demonfencer: 😌

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demonfencer: Happy halloween

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demonfencer: happy

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Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

elsanna-art-archive: Art by demonfencer

Posted in Anna Canon Uncategorized
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elsanna-art-archive: Art by demonfencer

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demonfencer: 柔软

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fruipit: Anna: 亲吻蝙蝠解除诅咒 (kiss the bat to remove the curse) Elsa: 安娜,你知道你是吸血鬼不是青蛙,能白己变回来的吧 (Anna, you know you’re a vampire right, not… read more

Posted in Anna Uncategorized

demonfencer: 那张照片太可爱!

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demonfencer: ~~~~

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elsanna-art-archive: Art by Demonfencer

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demonfencer: ~~

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

elsanna-art-archive: Art by Demonfencer

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Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

elsanna-art-archive: Art by demonfencer

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized
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fruipit: -安娜·你知道吗吸血鬼是没有灵魂的- (anna, didn’t you knowa vampire has no soul…)

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fruipit: 名誉?权力?(fame? power?) 没有那个女子的话…(安娜)(without that woman… without anna) 我能把他们全部毁掉 (I can destroy them all. completely) demonfencer:

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fruipit: Panel 1:艾莎… (Elsa…) Panel 2:这个…不是血啊 … (this… this isn’t blood!) Panel 3:我知道…拜托你…别看了…快点… (I know… please… don’t look… oh hurry…)

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

elsanna-art-archive: Art by demonfencer

Posted in Anna Canon Uncategorized

demonfencer: ~~~

Posted in Canon Uncategorized

demonfencer: 星空

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Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

demonfencer: day1!!!!

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demonfencer: Fifty Shades of Elsa…just kidding(。・`ω´・)

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Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

elsanna-art-archive: Art by demonfencer

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

demonfencer: Elsanna Week Day 3: Flushing Faces

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demonfencer: what did she see

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demonfencer: good night~

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demonfencer: elsanna week 2017 day 1

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Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

elsanna-art-archive: Art by demonfencer

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

elsanna-art-archive: Art by demonfencer

Posted in Canon Uncategorized

elsanna-art-archive: Art by demonfencer

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demonfencer: delicious

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demonfencer: happy new year

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

elsanna-art-archive: Art by demonfencer

Posted in Canon Uncategorized

demonfencer: I want rah elsanna i want them i want them i want them

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demonfencer: it’s worthy

Posted in Canon Elsa Uncategorized
Posted in Canon Uncategorized

elsanna-art-archive: Art by demonfencer

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

elsanna-art-archive: Art by demonfencer

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

demonfencer: 和我姐去上海迪士尼玩了2天=3=乐园里最便宜的冰棒?

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

elsanna-art-archive: Art by demonfencer

Posted in Canon Uncategorized
Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

demonfencer: 韩国漫画同人的同人,就是想看这么拽这么嘴欠的elsa别扭受的样子

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Art by demonfencer

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Art by demonfencer

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fruipit: Anna: 猫和狗属于不同科目不能生育发情期的时候不要有所顾忌哦~ (Cats and dogs belong to different subjects* and are infertile. Don’t worry when you are in heat~) Elsa:… read more

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fruipit: Elsa: 啊!? 安娜我有没有弄湿你?(Ah!? Anna, have I made you wet?)Anna: 唔。。。(uhhhhhhh)(looks at chest)嗯弄湿了 (mhm I am wet)

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demonfencer: Happy Valentine’s Day!

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pegacorn1210: demonfencer: hypnosis Translation (with permission): Anna: No… this is wrong… we’re sisters… this isn’t right… what did I do…… read more

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fruipit: Left panel:Elsa: 真的吸血鬼 (a real vampire)Head: 凛冽的眼神 (piercingly cold gaze)Left collar: 自力更生 (able to regenerate herself through sheer willpower)Right… read more

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demonfencer: 《终将成为你》ver.

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WIR2 Spoilery

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demonfencer: Happy Halloween

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demonfencer: Happy Halloween

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Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

verthawk: demonfencer: 大概是party之后的事 (無授權翻譯一下) (my translation without authorization)Elsa: Rapunzel, didn’t I told you to take Anna to her room? Why… read more

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized
Posted in Canon Uncategorized

demonfencer: 中秋快乐*^_^*

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Posted in Canon Uncategorized
Posted in Canon Uncategorized

fruipit: Panel 1Elsa: 安娜 (Anna)[arrow: 日常实验中 (daily experiment)]Elsa: 今天试试我投哪来的圣水吧? (try the holy water I’ve created today?) Panel 2:Anna: 圣水。。。。莫非是。。。 (holy… read more

Posted in Canon Uncategorized

fruipit: demonfencer: jealous Panel 1Anna: 埃沙,你介意和克里斯托弗出去玩吗?(elsa, do you mind if I go out with kristoff?)Elsa: 当然不介意啊玩得开心~ (of course I don’t… read more

Posted in Canon Uncategorized
Posted in Canon Uncategorized
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demonfencer: “elsa“ or ”have sex with elsa“? no they cant be present,sorry anna

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demonfencer: 看到关于“魔法双手”的隐喻梗= =~突然想画的

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demonfencer: – -。。。。。