Tag: glacialsentinel

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

glacial-sentinel: Day 7: I love you :3

Posted in Canon Uncategorized

glacial-sentinel: Day 4: warm hugs! Keep reading

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized
Posted in Canon Uncategorized

glacial-sentinel: Commission by fieryeel for this fanfic x Please, check it out if you can 😀

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

glacial-sentinel: Some drawings I did for freudianslip13​ based on the chapter 19 of Crash into me x I love the… read more

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glacial-sentinel: Anna… what have you done? :3c

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glacial-sentinel: :>

Posted in Canon Uncategorized

sismorelikeyou: My lovely friend glacial-sentinel comission this for me, well technically for isendame Gotta love Knight!Anna kicking butt and taking… read more

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

glacial-sentinel: Elsanna Week Day 4: Marvel/DC Universe AU I really like that ship so…yeah

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glacial-sentinel: Elsanna Week Day 3: Classic Romantic Movie AU ;>

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glacial-sentinel: Elsanna Week Day 1: Pirate AU She just likes teasing her Captain ;>

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

glacial-sentinel: Commission for emirael Based on Chapter 33 of Sillage (x) Guys you should check this fic -u-

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

glacial-sentinel: I felt the urge to draw Elsa wearing a suit _(:3」∠)_

Posted in Canon Uncategorized

glacial-sentinel: For a friend that wanted Anna+ cat ears 🙂

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glacial-sentinel: These two are gonna be my doom… help

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

glacial-sentinel: Elsanna Week  Day 2: First child 😀  bonus: It was quite a surprise -u- (not really)

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

glacial-sentinel: Anna’s favorite snowman :3

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glacial-sentinel: Milady

Posted in Canon Uncategorized

glacial-sentinel: hmm

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

glacial-sentinel: Mornings~

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

glacial-sentinel: Anna knows her game. Sushi restaurant AU thanks to inoocently  x3 and bonus….

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

glacial-sentinel: Some dancing sisters in traditional mexican outfits, Elsa as a China Poblana and Anna as Mariachi.