Tag: juliajm15

Posted in Elsa Uncategorized

juliajm15: A dark Elsa design based on this awesome cosplay! 😀

Posted in Canon Uncategorized

juliajm15: Some sisters’ bonding moments 🙂

Posted in Canon Uncategorized

juliajm15: I’m not going to pretend I’m not obsessed… Their relation just kills me

Posted in Canon Elsa Uncategorized

juliajm15: The amount of positive and supportive messages I got on those drawings were truly heartwarming. Even I couldn’t answer… read more

Posted in Canon Elsa Uncategorized

juliajm15: anako-art: Dark Elsa by Anako-ART Collab with awesome juliajm15.tumblr.com! She drew who exactly what I had wanted to paint… read more

Posted in Elsa Modern AU Uncategorized

juliajm15: Elsa’s X-men outfit based on How Frozen Should Have Ended 🙂

Posted in Uncategorized

juliajm15: I was so happy with the positive feedback on the last one I wanted to try it on both… read more

Posted in Uncategorized

juliajm15: link Surely one of my favorite arts of them <3 Have some racebent sisters love :3 Totally accepted white… read more