Tag: peperomiaisabel

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peperomiaisabel: しまいの あいの ものがたりが はじまります Love story of sisters will begin.

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elsanna-art-archive: Art by ペペ

Posted in Elsa Uncategorized

elsanna-art-archive: Art by ペペ

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peperomiaisabel: 怖がらないで You don’t have to live in fear…

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized
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Posted in Canon Uncategorized

elsanna-art-archive: Art by ペペ

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peperomiaisabel: モフモフエルサ

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elsanna-art-archive: Art by ペペ

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elsanna-art-archive: Art by ペペ

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peperomiaisabel: 酒に酔って妹になつくお姉ちゃん Elsa was drinking.

Posted in Canon Elsa Uncategorized

peperomiaisabel: 拘束たのしい

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peperomiaisabel: She Fell From the Sky の翻訳版を読んで描かせていただきました https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10564818/1/ 翻訳版 http://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=5110613

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peperomiaisabel: 絵本"THE CHRISTMAS PARTY"のワンシーンを描きました I drew a scene of picture book “THE CHRISTMAS PARTY”

Posted in Elsa Uncategorized

Art by peperomiaisabel

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Art by peperomiaisabel

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Art by ペペ

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Art by ペペ

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Art by ペペ

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Art by ペペ

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized
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peperomiaisabel: Meow Meow

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peperomiaisabel: Summer Festival in Japan

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Posted in Canon Frozen Fever Uncategorized

peperomiaisabel: ツイッターのタグで遊んだものです

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peperomiaisabel: 「ふたりの真ん中にハートを描いて、完成!」だの「ふたりを囲むように、大きなハートを描こう」だのという一文が公式のボールペンイラストの描き方本にあったそうでどういうことなのと思いました。それ描かないとだめなのなんなの描くわ グッズでたまに見るんですけど向かい合う姉妹のシルエットがハートみたいになるの好きです

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peperomiaisabel: にゃーん

Posted in Canon Elsa Uncategorized

peperomiaisabel: ChocolateQueen**

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peperomiaisabel: 大好き!!!!! I love you!!!!!

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peperomiaisabel: エルアナ結婚しろ Happy wedding.