Tag: stubbornandsolo

Posted in Canon Uncategorized

stubbornandsolo: Drawn for an excellent friend and her wonderful story. Sorry it was like pulling teeth to get me to… read more

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

stubbornandsolo: Oh look, another drawing for the Hannibal AU. This is the Elsanna version of what happened in “Coquilles”(1×05). The… read more

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

stubbornandsolo: Hannibal crossover Anna: Did you really have to eat Hans? Elsa: He was being rude… Anna: You might get… read more

Posted in Modern AU Uncategorized

stubbornandsolo: I don’t know why I keep picturing Frozen’s Hannibal AU lately. Anyway, this is the episode that Hobbs died…. read more